Thursday, October 29, 2009

Friday, October 23, 2009

Oh TSA, why do I get so grumpy with you?

I know you're "just doing your job," but why does it sometimes feel more like you're hanging out at the cafeteria with your friends than you're trying to move the line along. Granted, some of you are great, but those with the MAT Dubs (Mad At The World's) ruin it for everyone.

Posted via email from Rep Life

Monday, October 19, 2009

Spell Check

Found on a box of Post-its at FedEx:

"Dew knot trussed yore spell chequer two fined awl yore mistakes."

- Brendan Hills.

Posted via email from papawow's posterous

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Conservation and cookery: Eat for the ecosystem | The Economist

Conservation and cookery

Eat for the ecosystem

Oct 15th 2009
From The Economist print edition

A heartening tale of business and the environment

Science Photo Library

RED lionfish are pretty, but they are also greedy. A single one of them, introduced into a coral reef where the species is not native, can reduce the number of other small fish by 80% in just a few weeks, according to Mark Hixon, a marine biologist at Oregon State University. To make matters worse, lion fish are top predators. Though their size would make them an easy mouthful for a shark or a grouper, their poisonous spines mean they are more or less invulnerable.

In the lionfish’s native waters, the western Pacific Ocean, the local ecosystem has adjusted to such predatory behaviour. In the Caribbean, though, the lionfish is a novelty—and a destructive one. Anything that damages the biodiversity of the reefs in diving resorts is bad for tourism, so in some countries, such as Mexico and Belize, people have tried introducing bounties payable to divers who catch lionfish. Sadly, there are too many lionfish about, and the bounties have proved too expensive to sustain. But there may be an answer: prove that the lionfish is not in fact a top predator after all, by getting people to eat it.

That is the method proposed by Sean Dimin, one of the owners of a firm called Sea to Table. Mr Dimin’s company works with fishermen who practise sustainable fisheries management, and helps them get their catches into the sort of high-class restaurants frequented by wealthy conservationists. Mr Dimin got his idea from the appearance in some resorts of “lionfish rodeos”, in which holidaymaking divers round the fish up, and which are usually followed by lionfish cook-ups on the beach. He learned from these that the fish, suitably de-spined, are delicious (they taste like snapper). That got him wondering if consumer demand might be a force powerful enough to halt even an invasive species as successful as the lionfish.

To test the market, Mr Dimin contacted a few chefs at snazzy restaurants in Chicago and New York to see if they had any interest in serving lionfish to their customers. All jumped at the chance. Sea to Table therefore bought a supply of the beasts and sent them on to the restaurants in question. The fish were sold out within two nights.

Customers did, indeed, like the taste. But according to Bruce Sherman, chef and owner of North Pond Restaurant in Chicago, which took some of Mr Dimin’s initial batch, the story of the fish and the fact that eating it supports a conservation effort added to the appeal of the dish.

On the back of this success, Sea to Table is trying to develop an organised industry to fish for the species. That should not be too hard. Although traditional fishing methods using nets or lines do not work with these animals, there are, as Mr Dimin observes, a lot of people who are more than happy to get paid to go diving in the Caribbean—especially as they get to feel good about it, too.

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Thursday, October 15, 2009

The "World Famous" Ono Cheesesteak, Waikiki

Open 24/7, Ono Cheesesteak serves up... wait for it, wait for it... cheesesteaks in Waikiki Beach. Not only is it one of the only places that stays open 24 hours, but it is one of the only places where you can eat after 10pm!

Just like Philly too, everyone working there is grumpy like bulldog. Maybe they're just doing that to keep everything legit.

Posted via email from papawow's posterous

I'll take the "Pizza and French Fry Combo Meal" and...

...a diet Coke, thanks.

Posted via email from papawow's posterous

These Tough Economic Times...

This used to be a Starbucks!

Posted via email from papawow's posterous

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Buy Your Breast Cancer Stamps

It is Breast Cancer Month, pull your own weight. Today, my contribution is to spring the extra $1.20 for Breast Cancer stamps (which I always do any way). What's yours?

Posted via email from papawow's posterous

Make Your Own Wine in Hawaii

I met the owners of Oeno in Kailua, HI the other day. There, you can make your own wine or beer. Very nice people, check them out at

Posted via email from papawow's posterous

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Oh Boy!

Mr. Oberto? We're going to have to check in your luggage. We've heard about you.

Posted via email from papawow's posterous

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Friday, October 2, 2009