Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Surfing Fort Point

What an eerie place to surf. The water is cold, there can be 7 knot currents on the outside, and the Golden Gate Bridge puts everything in miniature. Sometimes I feel like a GI Joe out there. Don't forget about the sharks either.

It is unfortunate that the wave isn't very good. It doesn't stand up tall and give you a long line to work with; it tends to have one section and then peter out. It is also extremely crowded. Despite the rocks and the sharks, you're more likely to get run over than anything else.

There's a particularly big rock right in the middle of the take off zone too. You either go behind it and race the section, or in front of it and risk dropping in on someone who is taking their chances behind. Very unfortunate placement.

What this place needs are some reef balls! They would create more of a shoulder, a longer ride, and even out the bottom more near that big rock. Except for the wave itself, the set up is great, relatively sheltered from wind, and you can't beat the view.

You just feel like a Smurf.

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