Thursday, September 25, 2008

Yea Kids, Eat Right...

..just don't tell Hostess.

This is the opening scene at a Safeway, an uncomfortable 5 feet from the door. So close, in fact, that cart pushers have to let those exiting exit before they can enter.

Framed on our left is that waskely wabbit, Bugs, telling our kids that eating right is cool, it's fun, and quite frankly that if Bugs is doing it, you should too.

Framed on our left is a plethora of delicious filled and frosted goodies. Twinkies, Cupcakes, pies of all flavors, Ho-Ho's, Suzy Q's, and my personal favorite (I love the premise, although I don't they're fit for human consumption) - Snowballs!

How can you resist the chocolate cake and the marshmallow, dusted in coconut, and dyed hot pink? You can't.

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