Monday, June 16, 2008

Gay Marrage

As I drove past city hall this morning, it dawned on me that tomorrow California will begin issuing marriage certificates for same sex partnerships. Pardon me if I'm not using the proper terms here.

On NPR, they were discussing the topic and brought up some very interesting thoughts. It wasn't THAT long ago that love was even a deciding factor in who you marry so "allowing" same sex marriage is quite avant guarde. People used to marry for political and social gain.

This whole thing is going to get played out like a 5 day cricket match in federal court sooner or later but this is the historic begining. Notice the stack of news vans huddled outside waiting to pounce on their first sound bite from the first couple to exit, feeling both vindicated and giddie.

I'm so for gay marriage, I probably sound indifferent, but I'm actually quite excited about everything. Excited in a "finally" kind of way. Like when the Red Sox finally won a World Series.

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